IADVERTISING ON GOBERLINIFriedenau IFriedrichshainIKreuzbergIMitteISchönebergI |
IPrenzlauer BergICharlottenburgIWeddingIWeissenseeIWilmersdorfINeuköllnIPankowI |
Advertising on GoBerlin.com is the Best & Cheapest way of finding customers for your company's products and services. It costs only € 2.50 per month, (30 Euros per year) and we are aimed at promoting your company to Berlin and a wider German and English speaking customer base. We are professionals when it comes to promotion and are by far the Best & Cheapest advertising platform on the market today and will undercut any other "Same Service Provider" by 50%, Guaranteed! Please Note! There are only 20 advertising spaces available to rent under each category and it is only if a company decides to discontinue our service does this space then become available again. It is the exclusivity of having only 20 spaces per category plus the GoBerlin.com guarantee of the best prices that makes us Berlin's leader. At GoBerlin.com we choose "Quality over Quantity", that is why our motto is: "We offer you the Best of what Berlin has to offer". Advertising on GoBerlin.com is only available to companies that are based in Berlin, Germany and that the subscription price of € 30.00 is for a 1 year period, fantastic value at only € 2.50 per month. To apply complete our Registration Form or contact us. We will then check your company website for service and product compatibility and make sure that you are placed in the right category and within the right Berlin suburb. Once payment has been made we will upload your logo with a short caption and a link-back to your website in English and German for your new customers to go on. (GoBerlin has a no flash advertising policy). After the process is complete we will start driving German and English customers freely and unhindered to your website. This will boost your sales and best of all we take No commissions and you have No hidden or extra costs. New customers are placed on the first available space within their chosen category. To see if an advertising space is available, click on a Berlin suburb above and then go to a category at the left side of the screen. Available advertising spaces are indicated with a light gray Brandenburg Gate logo and the words, "Promote your company on GoBerlin.com".
Customers will receive a personal GoBerlin.com account where you can update and change your customer account details and information. At the start of the second years payment your company is eligible to be included in our Special 1 in 20 "Lucky Winners Draw" held in December every year. If you are picked from only 20 companies (in your category) you will then have your company representing your category on the actual Berlin Suburb Homepage free and for one year. Our advertising spaces are shuffled around several times a year and uploaded again with over 1000 search engines to ensure our customers the maximum in absolute fairness and exposure. Advertising on GoBerlin.com is by far the Cheapest & Best way of finding New Berlin customers and saves you money on expensive internet marketing campaigns and fees. According to Alexa.com, GoBerlin.com has grown rapidly and is currently within the top five hundred thousand websites worldwide, we are a new website and are growing stronger day by day. We are also based in Berlin, Germany and receive funding to offer our Berlin clients the best service at fantastically low prices. GoBerlin is funded by GoArt.com which was founded to bridge the gap between the general public and art, GoBerlin.com created in 2011 is an outgrowth of that mission.
Through the linking of GoBerlin.com with many of our other great domains we combine many domains together focusing on the same common keywords or search phrases such as Berlin Hotels, Wellness, Art, good restaurants and anything associated with Berlin and its 12 major districts and 23 suburbs. Once a visitor types into their browser a particular Berlin search term or word that we use, they are locking onto a keyword or phrase that our network uses. An example of this would be the search term 'Berlin Hotels'. Let's say that Mr. Smith in London will travel to Berlin and enters the search phrase "Berlin Hotels" on his computer. He then arrives on our Hotels section on the GoBerlin.com website or one of our network domains. Mr. Smith then sees your hotel banner and then goes straight onto your website where he books a hotel room for two nights. Advertising on GoBerlin.com is a highly efficient way of finding new customers for your business and at only € 2.50 per month it is incredibly affordable. Some of the categories we promote on GoBerlin.com are:
Berlin Hotels /
Travel Agents /
Shopping /
Fashion /
Jewellery /
Cafés /
Bakeries /
Restaurants /
Sport /
Wellness /
Internet /
Art Galleries /
Culture /
Recreation /
House & Garden /
Events /
Berlin Real Estate and
Berlin Services. .
. We are focused only on the city of Berlin and are currently promoting the best businesses in the suburbs of Charlottenburg, Friedenau, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln, Pankow, PrenzlauerBerg, Schöneberg, Wedding, Weissensee and Wilmersdorf.
For more information call us in Berlin on: (030) 4444 800 or email us at: werbung[at]goberlin.com
The GoBerlin Team
IADVERTISING ON GOBERLINIFriedenau IFriedrichshainIKreuzbergIMitteISchönebergI |
IPrenzlauer BergICharlottenburgIWeddingIWeissenseeIWilmersdorfINeuköllnIPankowI |

- Best Prices
- Exclusivity 20-spaces
- Maximum Exposure
- New Customers
- Free Internet Traffic
- Free Account
- Professional Service
- Quality over Quantity
- 24/7 Contact
- Customer Satisfaction
- Money back guarantee
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